I want to include the \overset{}{\to} and \overset{}{\rightarrow} over the \to or the arrow in the following tikzpicture.
\begin{figure}[!h]\begin{center}\begin{tikzpicture}\matrix[matrix of math nodes,inner sep=1pt,row sep=1em,column sep=1em] (M){& A & B & C \\& E & F & G \\};\draw[ ->] (M-1-2.east) -- (M-1-3.west);\draw[ ->] (M-1-3.east) -- (M-1-4.west);\end{tikzpicture}\end{center}\end{figure}
So the the output of tikzpicture will have something similar to this overset or stackrel type in tikzpicture?
$A \overset{ab}{\to} B \overset{bc}{\to} C$
How should we modify the \draw[ ->] in tikzpicture then?